Building Recovery

The Trainers resource

“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”?

Matthew 10:42

This section of the site is for anyone considering running a Building Recovery group or course and will privide the basic understanding you will need to begin any group using this approach. The videos below offer support for anyone wanting to offer the eight sessions of the course in their Church, Charity or organisation. Just click on video that relates to the course session you want to know more about.

Please contact us for any more information


This is an introduction to the training resources

Training resources

Along with the course videos, I have also produced supporting videos for the sessions. Please contact me if you are interested in receiving further, face to face training.



session THREE

session FOUR



session SEVEN

session EIGHT

My new book “I’m a Christian, so why am I still…” is out now! Here is the link to get your copy

Here is a link to my podcast audio chapters in the mean time.

grey Superdux device beside black metal framed lamp

Click here for my you tube channel. You will find playlists and series designed to support you in your spiritual growth and development.